I'm not going to lie. Early today, I was a mess. I'm a very 'scheduled' person. And I'm currently at a place in my life of real uncertainty about some situations and it's totally stressing me out. I'm trying to 'get a grip'. But when Lil Man didn't nap today, I loaded us up in the car and drove to Sonic. He fell asleep on the way home. So I found myself sitting in the car, in front of the house, eating a ginormous Oreo blast. Who knew a 'large' was so large. But there I sat, stuffing my face full of sugary gooeyness. Two hours later, I'm irritated that I did that because I'm in 'training'. Granted, I'm just running a 10 miler, but a race is still a race. And my training runs may be difficult to get through this weekend with my lack of dietary nutrition these last couple of days. I should probably come clean that today my breakfast was pretty much brownie batter donuts. But, my internet friends, just because today...
I hope through my self-reflection, readers will see themselves so that they can pause and think, smile or laugh, or try something new. This is my story...