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Showing posts from December, 2008

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Wow, what a year. It's hard to believe that in a few short hours that this year will be over. I have so much to be thankful for - I am truly blessed. It has been an amazing year for HG and myself. I shot my first squirrel. HG shot a bear and a deer this year. Being directionlly challenged and terrified of getting lost, I'm proud of myself for finding the courage to venture out and go 'downtown' to interview. HG worked hard to gather wood and get us a wood stove insert to keep us warm. Sally hasn't killed Tula. Shorty thankfully hasn't peed on anything in the house. And I'm happy to be spending tonight watching movies with my husband.

Saturday, December 20

I’ve been really busy this last week. I started a new job which is looking promising. I’m very thankful to have received this position. I am very pleased, and I think I will be very happy there. It looks as though it is going to be both challenging and rewarding. HG’s parents have been here this last week. It was nice to be able to visit with them. It had been such a long time! I did receive some bad news this week though, news that breaks my heart. My Aunt lost her battle with cancer. Today was the funeral, and the reality of being this far away really hit home. My heart goes out to my Uncle, cousins, their spouses and kids. I know this is a very difficult time.

Friday, December 12, 2008

It was harder than I thought it would be – to say goodbye. But I told myself, it wasn’t goodbye, but until I see you again. I won’t be that far away. I know the reality of life and how distance can grow between people when it isn’t convenient. Moving away from MS has taught me that life lesson. But I also know that friendships can reach across distances no matter if the distance is great or small, a river or a state. I found a network of friends there. They have shared many moments with me over the last ten months - moments that I will cherish and moments for which I am thankful. We’ve laughed. We’ve cursed. We’ve cried. We’ve found new slogans “Mother of god” and “bloody hell”. We helped. We encouraged, but most of all we became friends. I am thankful for my new job and my new direction in life. But I can’t help but cry as I am sad that I am leaving the comfort and familiarity of my friends that I have made there. I can only hope that in this instance, these friendships will reach ac...

Friday, December 5 - Christmas Idea

Since I’ve only been working part time and we’ve spent so much money on heaters to try to keep warm this winter, it was decided that HG and I wouldn’t exchange gifts this year for Christmas. However, we were going to get a tree which I hope to get his weekend. I’m looking for a ‘tradition’ that he and I can start for us at Christmas since chances are we are going to be away from our families. I had an idea today. We have decided that we will exchange gifts which must be wrapped and placed under the tree, but we can’t spend more then $5 (including wrapping). I’ll probably use computer paper to wrap mine (ha). But I think it will be fun. It can be anything from a candy bar to gum to a key chain from a gas station. It doesn’t matter, but I think it will be fun… I’m looking forward to getting the tree!