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Showing posts from January, 2013

My Kid Hates Kindermusik

So my kid hates Kindermusik. He's a little behind on his speech, but he is constantly 'on the go'. When I heard about Kindermusik, I thought it would be a good thing for him. I knew that it worked on motor skills and could also help with communication. And since Lil Man is all about movement, I thought it would be the perfection combination. NOT! Our preview visit was a disaster. He spent most of the time just glued to me. But I discussed it with Hubby, and we decided this was something that we needed to do. With him being an only child and no family nearby, we feel that it's important to give him as many opportunities with other kids as we can. But Kindermusik is definitely beyond his comfort zone. I'm not the most outgoing person myself. I can be (at times), but I can also be incredibly shy. And I see that in my son. I don't want to force him into things, but I want to at least give him the opportunity to try, even if it's a little uncomfortable for b...

Really Really Never A Dull Moment

There is truly never a dull moment. Yesterday...  Today

Out With A Flush

What a morning! Maybe I should star in a reality show called Toddlers and Toilets. It started off as most normal mornings go. Once everyone is up and moving, I go down to the basement and run on the treadmill while Hubby and Lil Man eat their breakfast. I had just finished a 3.5 mile run when I went upstairs. I began making Hubby's lunch, and Lil Man was occupying himself with his drill. The drill was his favorite present from Christmas. He has played with it every day since he got it. Maybe a week after Christmas, the first drill bit was lost. I don't know how it disappeared. I just know that it did. But thankfully the drill came with two. And every day at the end of the day, we try our best to locate said drill bit so that this one doesn't disappear also. We had somewhere to be, and I had less than an hour to get cleaned up and changed so we could get out the door into this frigid arctic air. I ate breakfast standing up while I made Hubby's lunch. Hubby got Lil M...

Kids and Toilets

What is it with kids and toilets?  The Inpection First came the inspection ... and apparently it wasn't clean enough for him because...  Cleaning He decided to clean it. And then he started to take the rugs out so we could clean the floor. I told his daddy that was living proof that I clean the house.... it just doesn't look like I do. :) 

No One Said This Would Be Easy

No one said this would be easy... motherhood that is. Thankfully no one said to me "if you think the pregnancy is hard, just wait until he gets here." My first big obstacle of becoming a Mom was when I realized that Lil Man would be so demanding of me. Gone were the days of sitting down to eat a meal. Forget getting a leisure shower. Somewhere in there I sort of got lost along the way. I'm a runner, but who has the time or the energy to run when you have a demanding (there's that word again) newborn. But I got through it. We found our routine, and we made it work. Now are approaching the two's. Let me say, this is really hard. Here is this little person before me who has his own ideas about EVERYTHING. And it seems like lately that my ideas are not his ideas. I'm trying to remind myself that just like I got through the newborn phase, I will get through this one also. I've also learned that it is important to take time for me. Taking care of myself ...

Trying to Escape?

We're had a busy week so far this week. So I decided we'd stay home today and just hang out. Most of the morning went smooth with Lil Man playing with his toys. I got some cleaning accomplished (vacuumed then steam mopped the floors). But then things got quiet. I've learned that silence with a toddler is never good. He was in the corner with my laptop. Thankfully no status update was broadcast. Once the meltdown from the laptop debacle was over. He decided to do this. Think he was trying to escape?

Farm Show

It's that time of year again.. the Farm Show. I took Lil Man today to meet Daddy and walk around for a bit. He enjoyed it. He LOVED the milkshake. I think he preferred chocolate over half and half. Then we took a stroll to see the animals. I don't think he had a 'favorite' animal but seemed to enjoy them all. We saw cows, pigs, goats, chickens, rabbits and ducks. It was insanely crowded as always. But we were able to get him close enough to most things to take a peek. It's so much fun to watch him experience things. I can't help but wonder what's going through his little brain trying to process it all. He is such an awesome little kid. I thought he would fall asleep on the way home, but thankfully he stayed awake (with the help of Sesame Street on DVD). He's napping now and I'm taking just a few minutes for myself. It's been exhausting lately with temper tantrums, pushing boundaries, and just being a general toddler. Today (before the Far...

Latest Ramblings

Well, I was so excited last week about a freelance opportunity. It was going to give me the majority of the budget that I needed to make to pay for Lil Man's preschool this upcoming fall. But it didn't work out. It was requiring far more than I could give. I'm disappointed, but things have a way of working out. With each task/project that I take on, I'm looking at it as a learning experience. With each job, I've either improved upon my skills that I already possess, or I've learned new skills. It's all good. It just means that I have to continue looking for some more opportunities so that I can bring in a little income. We had a good New Year. Little Man felt the need to climb up to the table and get a bag of chips. He smelled of sour cream and onion for hours.  After we put him to bed, Hubby and I rented a movie. It was a nice quiet night at home. I wouldn't have it any other way. Today, Lil Man has been difficult. I think I've said ...