Not what I expected when the phone rang. It was a routine dermatology appointment. "Do you have any concerns?" “Yes, a small spot on my face. It comes and goes. Two weeks ago it had disappeared (again). So I'm actually glad that it’s back.” It was the size of a pin head. It was teeny tiny. A nuisance, but not something that really seemed to bother me. “I suspect that it’s skin cancer.” “So, we just burn if off, right?” “No, it needs to be cut out and sent to the lab.” I was not prepared for this. It’s on my lip! She’s going to cut a hole in my lip! She warns me that the shot is going to hurt and possibly a lot. She tells me this several times. (I’m thinking surely it can’t be that bad.) I was wrong. It hurt. A lot. I’m creeped out at the thoughts of her taking a chunk off of my face at the top of my lip. I’m even more creeped out as she tells me she’s going to burn it to stop the bleeding. Time and time again I hear the sizzle and the smell is n...
I hope through my self-reflection, readers will see themselves so that they can pause and think, smile or laugh, or try something new. This is my story...