What fun we had! Lil Man wasn't that impressed with the pumpkin patch, but he seemed to love the corn maze. He kept peeking through the stalks to try to see what was on the other side. It was beyond cute. I love fall and watching my Lil Man explore life. However, his 'exploring' has got us into trouble a time or two. Once, in a store that I will not mention, in a time that I will not add, Lil Man pushed the 'alarm' button in the elevator. A voice came over the intercom. What did I do? I did what any self respecting mother would do. I grabbed him up as quickly as I could and physically ran out of the elevator and store, then tried to act/walk naturally to my car. Today, at the grocery store, as I was holding the door open for an elderly lady, while holding my squirming son on my hip, thankfully out of the corner of my eye, I spied his hand. Yes, that ever reaching, ever wanting to touch and feel hand was resting on the FIRE ALARM! I grabbed it as he was sta...
I hope through my self-reflection, readers will see themselves so that they can pause and think, smile or laugh, or try something new. This is my story...