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Showing posts from November, 2012

What's The Deal With Tissue

So, what's the deal with tissue? I was busy checking on the wood stove. When I returned to the living room, I heard this 'ripping' sound coming from the kitchen. This is what I found. This is the 4th box of tissue that has been trashed. This time he snuck the box out of the living room into the kitchen. 

Well That Didn't Last Long

Well, operation Sugar Detox lasted about as long as it took me to write the blog post about it. I will admit that I am conscious of my sugar intake, and I am trying to cut down. But I'm not hitting my 30-40g goal. I keep sneaking in a glass of chocolate milk at the end of the day. There is just something about chocolate milk that is comforting to me. So I'm thinking Operation Sugar Detox is a no go at the moment. Between cookie exchanges, hot chocolate, and just overall stress (with not not being able to run), I'm not going to realistically keep my sugar to 30-40g. But I do plan to try to still consume sugar within moderation. Although I'm not reaching my goal and the AHA recommendations at the moment, 50g is better than 120g. So I am still making some type of progress. I've been busy with my freelancing jobs. In addition to taking care of Lil Man, and getting him back into his plagyroups, trying to keep the house clean, I've now added some freelance jobs to...


I like  LOVE snow. Being from the South, I never really got to see snow. So living up North has been a treat for me with the snow. However, I'm still not a fan of driving in it. But now that I'm a stay at home Mom, at this point, getting out in the snow will be mostly optional unless we have an appointment that we have to keep. But we woke up to a little snow and got to watch it snow most of the day yesterday. It wasn't enough to get out the snow shovels, but it was enough to make things pretty. Lil man saw snow last year, but he wasn't really big enough to enjoy it. His eyes lit up when he saw it yesterday. I'm not sure if he will like playing outside in it. But he enjoyed the view. 

Operation Sugar Detox

As most of you know, I have a slight  possibly major addiction to sugar.I didn't realize how many grams of sugar I was eating a day until I kept a log. Apps are great for this. Over about a four day span, I had anywhere from 60-120 grams of sugar EACH day. And no this isn't including Thanksgiving. This data is on a 'normal' day for me. Yep, that's a lot. Especially if you consider the American Heart Association's recommendations of about 30 grams a day for women to be the recommended allowance. Yeah, that's a whole lot of sugar going on. I eat a lot of sweets, but I found out that it wasn't necessarily the sweets that was the issue. It's everything else that I eat! Most of my food choices are high in sugar. With Diabetes on both sides of my family, it's time I reevaluated my diet. So today, Monday, November 26, operation Sugar Detox begins. Am I cutting out all carb/sugar? Of course not! But the first week or two, I hope to keep my limit ...


In addition to being a stay at home mom, I'm also now a freelancer. I'm working for various individuals on a couple of different freelance sites. Basically I've spent the majority of my time applying over and over for jobs that pay very little. But I have received a few jobs. Jobs that I am thankful for! I'm hoping that I can continue to get more jobs and build a good résumé and reputation on these sites. It's frustrating though to get rejected over and over. It isn't easy on one's ego. But I keep trying.


Holidays are always hard. I miss my Mom and Dad. I wish my grandparents were here to see and meet Lil Man. I know they would be just over the moon about him as we are. But I'm here, and they are there. So with each year,  I've decided that I have to focus on the family that is here and not the ones that aren't. This year was much easier than last. Don't misunderstand; I've shed some tears today. But I've also enjoyed spending time relaxing and just being a family with Hubby and Lil Man. I did all of the prep work yesterday. Today only required putting things in the oven. So our morning was relaxing. Well, as relaxing as it can be with a toddler running around. He decided to do a head dive off of the couch and landed right on his wooden chair. He has a nice large bruise and bulge on his brow bone to prove it. Lunch turned out to be a pretty nice meal. Lil Man didn't want to eat much, but he was thrilled with his solo cup, lid and straw that I let him us...


Although today wasn't what I had hoped it was be, since I was supposed to be in Philadelphia, it has been an overall nice day. Hubby has helped with Lil Man. I've been able to get some things done on the computer. Hubby even went and got me a milkshake and brought it home to me. And he's even picking up something for dinner. YEAH, I don't have to cook. Unfortunately, I didn't get any housework done today. I'll put that on tomorrow's to do list, along with the grocery list. I can't believe it's almost Thanksgiving already. I'm cooking again this year. I'm sure there will be numerous calls to my mom (again) like last year. So, how long am I supposed to cook this turkey? And I have to take what out of it?  ;) I'm planning on making Hubby a pumpkin pie. I'm not into pie and neither is Lil Man. So I'm thinking about making us some sugar cookies and letting him help decorate with sprinkles. We'll see how that goes. I just ho...

Lil Man's Visit with Me at the Dr.

Lil Man had to go with me yesterday to the foot dr. He was intrigued by all of the people in the waiting room. Apparently people watching makes him hungry because he ate a fruit chew, a fruit rollup type thing and half a bag of yogurt melts. It reminded me of how people shove in popcorn by the handful at the movies. Finally after a fairly lengthy wait, the nurse took us back to the room. She told me to "sit down and take your socks and shoes off". I put Lil Man in a chair (so I could sit on the exam table) and he immediately started trying to take his socks and shoes off.  Ha ha ha.. it took me a couple of times to convince him that she wasn't telling him to take his socks and shoes off. He wasn't so cooperative when the Dr. came in (sigh). Yeah, he was tired of sitting. So my actual Dr visit was stressful as I tried to wrestle a squiggling, back bowing, whining, about to have an all out tantrum toddler. But he was cute as he waved 'bye' to everyone as w...

Busy Busy during Naptime

Wow, does naptime fly by some days? I've been extremely busy today while Lil Man naps. Much to my husband's dismay, I haven't been busy with housework. Instead, I've been setting up, reviewing and searching online accounts on ways that I can generate a little income. I considered direct sales. Even though I have the gift of gab, direct sales didn't seem like a fit for me. So, I'm looking elsewhere and hoping that something will pan out. I'm not looking for any major employment. But a little bit to help out here and there would be great. So that's what I've been doing during naptime today. Well, that and eating banana bread. All of that beautiful banana bread has been reduced to two small loves.

Stink Bug

So, I'm still not feeling my best after surgery. Physically I'm in pain. Emotionally, well I'm dragging. I'm upset/disappointed/pissed off about the upcoming marathon. My body needs more time to heal. Yesterday was a trying day on many levels. While I was making dinner, Lil Man decided to eat a stink bug. Yep, a stink bug. I was pretty sure that's what had happened. As I smelled his breath, there was no doubt. Yep, he ate one. I called poison control (just to make sure) it wasn't dangerous. Nope, he's fine - other than bad breath. Truly, never a dull moment :)


While, I'm recovering from surgery, Daddy is in charge of Lil Man. I was downstairs, trying to relax and stay out of the way. I heard squealing and the jingle of a dog collar. Looks like Daddy found a way to keep Lil Man occupied. He put Tula on a leash and let Lil Man walk her around. :)