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Showing posts from November, 2009

Chistmas Shopping

I started my Christmas shopping today. I know it's early, but I wanted to beat most of the crowds. I'm pleased that I got the majority of it done. Or I at least took care of HG and my work obligations. I'm looking forward to putting the tree up next weekend. I have new things from last year that I'm looking forward to putting out. I got some things for Christmas last year, and I bought some clearance items. I got a couple of nice surprises in my Christmas stash waiting on me this year.  Currently, Sally, Shorty and Tula are all curled up asleep in their beds in front of the pellet stove. It's early for them all to be asleep. Usually at least one of them is chewing on a rawhide, but tonight they are all sleeping soundly. It's quite peaceful actually.  Guess it's time for me to snuggle with HG on the couch. 

Thanksgiving Next Week

Thanksgiving is next week. Once again, HG and I will be spending the holidays alone. I think this is probably a difficult time for both of us as we both miss our family. But like last year, we'll make the best of it. We don't have any concrete plans yet. I think we'll do some type of buffet thing. I wanted to cook, but HG didn't really want me to go to all of the trouble. I plan to make him a pie next weekend. I'm going to attempt to make a pie that his grandmother used to make him - everything from scratch of course. Hopefully it will be edible. It might not taste like his grandmother made it, but hopefully he'll appreciate my effort.  I have to work Black Friday. I only have 8 hours of paid time off left. I think I'll save it for New Year's Eve since we don't really  have any plans for the day after Thanksgiving. I imagine that HG will go hunting if the weather is decent.  I'm glad that today is Friday. This has been a long stressful week...

Misty Rainy Saturday

It was a misty rainy Saturday today. HG didn't go  hunting, but spent his day getting things done that he needed/wanted to get done. I started my day off with a run, then spent the day doing laundry, and spending time with HG. He worked while I read which seems like a perfect combination to me. I'm not one who really likes manual labor. We both like the feeling of accomplishment. He enjoys getting a pile of firewood stacked and ready for the winter. I enjoy setting a goal (such as running a certain distance or speed) and attempting to reach the goal. Currently, the dogs are asleep in their respective places in front of the glowing pellet stove. Time for me to go snuggle with my hubby.