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Showing posts from January, 2009

Taking Things for Granted

My heart goes out to those who are in need. Having to work the reception desk this week, I've experienced first hand some of life's hard lessons. One homeless man came in for a voucher for a belt. His only belt had broke, and he was unable to keep up his pants, which were too large. He tied a shirt around his waist to try to keep them up. He had all of his belongings, what little he had with him. Today, a couple came in looking for employment. The standard forms were given to them and they filled out the paper work. Once completed, he handed me the clipboard with desperation in his eyes begging to please just talk to someone about his application. I told him that all apps would go to HR and would be processed. He and his wife walked outside. Less than five minutes later, they came back in, begging to speak with someone. He has no job, he can't find employment and he's going to lose his home. I called HR and couldn't locate anyone, but told him to check back knowing ...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I'm trying to settle into a routine of working full time, running a household and working out. I'm starting to find my 'schedule'. This past week I began working out again. But things are good. I was surprised at how much of an adjustment it was for me to go back to a full time job. I suppose it was because in the past when I worked full time, I was only responsible for myself. I only thought about 'food for one' which usually consisted of cereal or ice cream. Marriage changes a lot of things. But I have to say that HG has been very helpful lately with the household chores. I am very grateful for his help. I'm starting to 'branch out' a little in my cooking skills. (HG is thankful for that). This year I've made banana nut bread twice, pecan pies, pumpkin pies, and muffins in addition to homemade lasagna and Mexican corn bread. All of which, I might add, turned out to be pretty good. I wish I'd taken some pictures of Tula in the snow yesterday...