It's been awhile since I've written. It hasn't been for lack of things to write, but more laziness on my part for not writing. I can't believe how cool it is here already. I've already worn long-sleeved shirts twice this week. And as I write this I'm wearing sweat pants instead of my usual shorts. The air has a cool crispness to it. I imagine before long the leaves will start turning. Fall really is beautiful here. I start swimming lessons on Monday. I'm a little nervous. As with anything new with me, it's just the 'something new nerves'. I'm sure once I get there and get started that I'll be fine. I can't say that I look forward to going every Monday from now until Thanksgiving. But hopefully once I've completed the course I can swim more than just dog paddle. It is a little embarassing to go to the gym to swim with people swimming in the lap lanes and me dog paddling along in my lane. I got butterflies in stomach tonight when I
I hope through my self-reflection, readers will see themselves so that they can pause and think, smile or laugh, or try something new. This is my story...