The flu really did a number on us when it comes to sleeping (or lack therof). This week has been DIFFICULT and that's putting it mildly. Yesterday resulted in a 2 hour battle where in the end, I basically gave up. Today started off about the same. He didn't want me to leave the room. Each time I went to check on him or see what was wrong, the screams escalated. Finally, I kissed him, put him back into bed (for the thousandth time it felt like), and walked out. There was screaming and he trashed his room (again), but he finally fell asleep on a stack of huggies. Whew that was rough.. During these nap refusals, his eyes are so heavy he can barely hold them open. Anyway, today he's napping. I hear him moving already, so I imagine nap will be 'short' today. But I'll take a short nap over screaming. He was up twice last night too. Sigh... it was SOOOOOO much easier when he was still in the crib.
I hope through my self-reflection, readers will see themselves so that they can pause and think, smile or laugh, or try something new. This is my story...