Wow, what a year. It's hard to believe that in a few short hours that this year will be over. I have so much to be thankful for - I am truly blessed. It has been an amazing year for HG and myself. I shot my first squirrel. HG shot a bear and a deer this year. Being directionlly challenged and terrified of getting lost, I'm proud of myself for finding the courage to venture out and go 'downtown' to interview. HG worked hard to gather wood and get us a wood stove insert to keep us warm. Sally hasn't killed Tula. Shorty thankfully hasn't peed on anything in the house. And I'm happy to be spending tonight watching movies with my husband.
This Summer has been a big learning experience - for both Lil Man and myself. Who knew that an amusement park could be such a learning experience for both of us. I watched as my little boy, all on his own, climbed stairs among strangers, learned how to wait his turn, slide down a water slide, and do it over and over again. I watched as other kids shoved him out of their way, cut in front of him as he stood patiently 'waiting for his turn'. Groves of bigger kids kept cutting in front of him, and I held back and gave him time to respond. This for me was a learning experience. See, people have to have room or space to grow. So I learned how to let go, let out the leash a little, and give Lil Man some space. The first time the kids pushed him aside, he really didn't know what to do. After a few minutes of this, I did intervene. I told him to get in line. Take his turn, and when it was his turn he was to go. And the next time as other kids pushed past him, it only took a few...
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