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What Summer Taught Me

This Summer has been a big learning experience - for both Lil Man and myself. Who knew that an amusement park could be such a learning experience for both of us.

I watched as my little boy, all on his own, climbed stairs among strangers, learned how to wait his turn, slide down a water slide, and do it over and over again. I watched as other kids shoved him out of their way, cut in front of him as he stood patiently 'waiting for his turn'. Groves of bigger kids kept cutting in front of him, and I held back and gave him time to respond. This for me was a learning experience. See, people have to have room or space to grow. So I learned how to let go, let out the leash a little, and give Lil Man some space.

The first time the kids pushed him aside, he really didn't know what to do. After a few minutes of this, I did intervene. I told him to get in line. Take his turn, and when it was his turn he was to go. And the next time as other kids pushed past him, it only took a few before he stepped up into line and took his turn. And I was so amazed at how patient he was with waiting in the water park.

Now waiting in the amusement park was a little harder for him as he would get a little antsy. At the beginning of the summer, this was really hard. By the end of the summer, he knew that 'all of those people in front of him' would go first. And for the most part, he handled that well.

I watched as he smiled at strangers, and said 'hi'. I watched him as he watched others and would follow their lead when it came to certain things. If someone was playing with a sprayer then he would too.

I watched as he decided to lay on his stomach feet first and go down a water slide. After a few times of listening to his happy squeals, I watched as other kids followed his lead. They started going down on their stomach feet first also. And I could see the joy in Lil Man's eyes.

I watched as Lil Man cut in front of someone in line. Uh oh, that's not good. So I intervened and told him to wait his turn. He didn't cut in line again. I watched as he learned how to follow me (well sort of) in a crowd of people without me having to tug him along by hand.

I watched as we were riding the Coal Cracker for probably the 5th time that day and he asked me right before the big drop "If I was ready?" and then he told me to "Hold on Momma".

It's like I watched him grow up before my eyes this Summer is so many ways. And as I step back to reflect on our memories, I grew as a Mom in many ways also.

I'm a little weepy today because time is going too fast. It's all moving so fast. He's 3.5 and growing up in so many ways. I know in the blink of an eye, this time will be gone. So I'm trying my best to cherish all of these moments.

We have had a great adventurous fun-learning Summer. School is almost here, with Fall nipping at our heels soon. I'm excited to see what fun adventures Fall will bring for us also.

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  1. Summer is such a great bonding experience for our family! Not only do we get to leave the house for awhile on a trip but we get to spend a lot of time as a family.

  2. Summer always goes by so quickly. Wish it lasted longer. Amber N

  3. summer is such a fun time to bond with family and have fun.

  4. Great summer memories. So beautiful to see them grow!

  5. Now that my older kids are at school I love hanging out with my 3 year old. Love teaching her and being able to have one on one time with her.

  6. Sounds like he really grew this summer! We went to a water park & had to search for my son. He had declared that he was going on the water slide & when we turned around from his sister asking a question he was gone. He was in line for the water slide, patiently waiting his turn but ended up being too scared to go by himself. I was so very mad & proud of him at the same time.

  7. It's sad but true. With the kiddos, it really does go by way to fast. My oldest just turned 10 earlier this month and I have absolutely no idea where an entire decade went.

  8. It's always so bittersweet watching your kids grow up right before your eyes! These summers seem to fly by!

  9. Last year my daughter started Kindergarten and now she's in First grade she's seven. All I can say is the months for summer fly by way to fast the the school year drags out of a constient day after day of stuff to do. Then summer comes it's so nice and relaxing and fun we had some appoitments here and there and had some answers to her health issues but over all time sure does fly by.

  10. September is basically here! What another year :) looks like y'all had an awesome summer!

  11. Summer just flew by! I wish summer would pass by slower & winter quicker :P

  12. He is just so precious, I know you are so proud :)

  13. I miss summer already. We were very busy but it's always fun.

  14. Great post! Summer was great but I'm ready for fall and what's to come!

  15. I'm glad you had a great summer with your little one! And now on to Fall...fall is my favorite!

  16. It seems our favorite memories are all from summertime.
    It flew by way too fast this year.

  17. What a nice post. Summer is so wonderful with so many fun experiences for kids and parents. My sons are grown and I miss those years. They do go by so fast.

  18. It sounds like you had an amazing summer! I think it has gone all to soon. x

  19. Kids definitely grow up quickly! Seems like my oldest was just starting school and she'll be graduating from college in December!

  20. What a sweet post! As much as I love the States, I'm happy to call Trinidad my home as 'summer' lasts all year long. :)

  21. Sounds like it was a fun (and learning) summer. I laughed about the husband is 49 and he doesn't tolerate those lines well. ;)

  22. Summertime is sometimes the best time to learn! There are so many experiences a school cannot teach and I think some parents forget that. It is quite important to give them their space so they can learn to walk independently the world. Thanks for sharing your experiences!

  23. Lessons can be learned in all sorts of situations. I'm glad you had a fun summer and you get to see your little guy make progress.

  24. What a delightful post! Sounds like you had an amazing summer.
    Hi! Stopping by from Mom Bloggers Club. Great blog!
    Have a nice day!

  25. I enjoyed reading this post. I appreciated how you taught you little one to stand up for himself in a good way. Sounds like it was a good summer for you!

  26. Children grow up so fast. It is so much fun to observe what they do and to give them a little guidance. I am glad the two of you had so much fun

  27. Good post as I mentioned above. Hope your fall goes well too!


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