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Finding The Beauty

Well, it's no surprise that I was struggling a little with Lil Man going off to kindergarten (Where Has The Time Gone) And I felt like my heart was being ripped out of my body as he walked to get on the school bus.

But we are 4 days into kindergarten, and we are still working on adjusting and finding our schedule. The bus system is getting better. We are starting to sort of get into a routine, but it's still a work in progress.

With preschool, I knew what happened while he was at preschool - even down to the snack that he was given.

Now, I have to rely on Lil Man who is turning out to be a lot like his Dad which means I get very little info. He definitely needs time to decompress. It's often hours, sometimes the following day before I get a small tidbit of information. I try not to push, and just give him space and time.

I personally am struggling with the fact that I basically don't see anyone all day long. With preschool, I saw the teacher, other moms, other people at drop off and pick up. Now, well.... it's just me.

I know, get involved with the school, volunteer, PTA blah blah blah. I'm working on it. I have my forms in, and the first meeting is on the calendar. And yes, I plan to attend. But that being said, kindergarten is very different for us.

But we are adjusting. And in time, we will find our 'new way'.

But sometimes it's really easy for me to focus on the ugliness. The part that just isn't what I would like for it to be.

Look at this rose bush for instance.

It's hard not to see the .. ummm... lack of leaves.... the brown leaves.. the spotted leaves... and the pitiful looking plant...

But look farther up and you see the beautiful flower.

Amidst the ugliness, there is beauty.

Sometimes it's easy to get caught up in the ugliness, the negativity that is thrown at us day after day after day, but if you stop, take a moment, and look... the beauty is there.

So I encourage you... to take the time.. to stop and smell the roses.

Writing is one of my passions, and I'm stepping out there on faith to follow my dream. If you like this blog or this post, please take a moment to share it with friends. 

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