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This Little Blog

Sooooooo... I've been doing a lot of thinking lately. In fact, I've put my blogging here and at my other site Will Run For Ice Cream on the back burner for a bit. Why? Well, because trying to 'work' a blog requires a lot of time. It's not just the writing. It's the promoting! Because, well, if you don't promote, then basically no one sees it. And I had told myself that if no one sees it then why write it.

So, I stopped writing for awhile... because...
of time. There are only so many hours during the day. And honestly it is super discouraging to write something and notice that only a hand full of people actually saw it or read it.

But the reality is blogging was an outlet for me, and it still is. And I have truly missed that outlet. I'm not exactly sure yet how I'll keep up with both blogs. I had considered combing the two, but although I am the same person, I do have a variety of interests. And a lot of my running peeps probably don't visit this blog. Just like some of you reading this might not visit my Will Run For Ice Cream blog. It just isn't your thing.

So, since I'm currently not playing the numbers game, I'm currently going to keep both blogs and see what happens.

That being said... expect to start hearing more from me ...  I'm excited to see where my blogs take me with my own personal development. I hope you'll join me on my journey...

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