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The Things They Don't Tell You About Motherhood

What they don't tell you about Motherhood...

They don't tell you that you will feel love in a way that you've never felt before, to the point that it almost hurts at times.

They don't tell you that watching your child struggle at something is one of the most painful feelings in the world.

They don't tell you that watching them gain their independence is one of the most gratifying yet scariest feelings ever.

They don't tell you that when they hurt you feel it in every fiber of your being.

They don't tell you that even as they get older, you'll still check on them in the middle of the night to make sure they are still breathing.

They don't tell you that there will be days that you will feel like the worst parent in the world, that you wonder if you are cut out for this, and  if you'll ever figure out how to do this.

Because the truth is (in my world), there are some days that I wonder if I will ever figure this parenting thing out. As soon as I have it (or think I do) then we hit another stage, another learning curve, and more challenges (most fun, at times not).

They don't tell you that some of the things that will come out of your kid's mouth at the age of 3 will make you laugh so hard you'll pee yourself (cause face it, laughing makes you pee now since everything got stretched. FYI - they don't always tell you about that part either).

They don't tell you that sometimes it feels as if you are looking in a mirror, just a smaller cuter version of yourself. And in that mirror you see the things about yourself that you'd rather not see, and at times you see the things about yourself that you love. And you see your spouse and his traits (some good - some bad).

And they don't tell you that how you handle situations is how your little one might also handle them.

They don't tell you that everything is a learning experience - from brushing teeth, to washing your hands, to playing with toys - everything and I mean everything is somehow related to learning something.

To me, Motherhood is the scariest thing that I've ever done, but it's also been the most challenging, most loving, and most rewarding experience of my life so far.

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