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Ecosak Nylon Nut Bag Review

I have been compensated in the form of a gift card/money/coupon and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free. All opinions expressed are mine and honest in nature.

Well, can you believe that I am trying out a nut bag to make my own almond milk? (I'll pause a moment so that you can let the shock wear off!) I can honestly say that never in my life did I intend on making my own almond milk. But as you know, we are making some changes to our diet.

So I decided I would give it a try.  And with the Ecosak I also received some recipes which really helped since I wasn't really sure what I was supposed to do.

I asked Lil Man if he wanted to help me, and he was more than thrilled. Apparently making almond milk was an exciting and fun thing for him.

First things first was to wash the Ecosak (easy to do) and soak the nuts. Yep, I put some raw almonds in a bowl, covered them with water and let them soak 6-8 hours or so. After they had been soaked, I simply drained the almonds, added them to the blender, added about 2 cups of water, a half teaspoon of vanilla, and Lil Man pulverized the almond mixture in the blender. 

Then we poured that mixture through the Ecosak. I assumed it would be really really messy. But I was wrong. It was super easy to use. Lil Man helped me press the liquid out of our nut mixture. It wasn't hard to do at all.

I also thought the clean up would be difficult. I mean we just squeezed milk out of a nut bag. But honestly, I turned the bag wrong side out and and rinsed it out (added a little detergent), but yeah pretty much use, rinse and hang it up to dry.

I had just assumed that making my own nut milk would be time consuming, messy, and require lots of clean up. But the Ecosak was super easy to use. The entire process took minutes.

As for the result? Well, Lil Man wasn't impressed with the taste. Hubby wasn't either. So I might have to tweak the recipe (the possibilities are endless - and several different types of nuts can be used to make various nut milks). I personally thought the taste was decent. I've never had nut milk - so this was my first experience.

Today was the true test for me. I had cheerios with almond milk instead of my cows milk. And well, I thought it was pretty good.

Will I make almond milk again? I sure will. I like how I am making something that isn't processed. I'm using all natural ingredients. And the Ecosak made the entire process very easy.

If you make your own nut milk, I encourage you to give Ecosak a try. And if you are newbie like me, I also encourage you to try it. It really was super easy. And I have to admit, like Lil Man, it was fun to do.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


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  1. This is so cool. I didnt know this existed. I buy almond milk. I will have to look into this.

  2. I have never made anything like this myself. We only drink cow milk in our house.

  3. It's nice that the ecosak made thinks a lot easier. It's better to do it yourself so you can control the ingredients.

  4. I've made almond milk to flavor ice cream and pudding. It's really tasty.

  5. There is nothing better than homemade almond milk! I love it!

  6. I am going to try this really soon! Thanks for making the process look easy! :)

  7. Nut bag? *giggle* *snort* All joking aside, this is actually pretty nifty and I honestly didn't know how you could make your own almond milk until now.

  8. We usually just purchase our Almond Milk but this looks so easy that I'm thinking of trying it out. Thanks for sharing!

  9. Almond milk has a lot of health benefits and it's great that you are using all natural ingredients to make it. Some prepackaged ones in the parket contain lots of sugar that it becomes bad for those who have diabetes. Ecosak though is not available in our local market.

  10. I just switched to Almond Milk! It is really good in my opinion.

  11. This is one pretty cool product! I hope they have one here too!

  12. I am going to find this bag. I bet it makes great cashew milk. I don't like almonds. I'll try coconut as well. Thanks for the tip.

  13. I've heard a lot about these. I will have to get one of these.

  14. What a great product. Need to keep an eye out for it.

  15. This is actually great - I wish we have those in our country too.

  16. This is absolutely amazing! I actually make my own almond milk at home using almond flour, but using whole almonds would be so much cheaper!! Those little bags of flour are so expensive!

  17. Love it! There is nothing like homemade almond milk. The kids love it!

  18. I didn't realize easy it is to make a milk alternative! I'll definitely have to try this, because I love almond and cashew milk.

  19. This just blows my mind! I was ready to read about a really lengthy process, but it's so simple my hubs could do it! Not that he would, but you get the point. LOL

  20. I have never heard of doing this but will have to try it. I will have to get a Ecosak for sure and try this. Thanks for sharing.

  21. I look making homemade almond milk! Looks like you all did a great job!

  22. I remember the first time I made my own almond milk. I made a mess but it was worth it. try sweetening your milk with some dates. I found that a dab of vanilla and some dates make the perfect almond milk. Or add some carob powder for a nice chocolaty drink for the kids.

  23. Why is it called almond MILK? Isn't milk an organic byproduct from a female mammal?

  24. I'm glad to hear you tried it and liked it. I'm sure this would be a very healthy alternative, I would love to make our own milk.

  25. Wow that's a pretty neat bag and great that it's healthy!

  26. That's a pretty cool sack! I've not seen anything like that before.

  27. Thats a great looking product. I have a friend that is very into making her own stuff, I am going to have to find this bag and purchase it for her.

  28. Hmm I've never thought about doing this before! I may have to try it out!


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