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Window Bird Feeder By Yellow Beaks

Lil Man has been beside himself since the Clear Window Bird Feeder by Yellow Beaks arrived in the mail. He couldn't wait to get it up and outside. He's very anxious for the birds to come.

I wasn't sure how the suction cups would hold up. I've never, in the past, had much luck with any type of suction cup. But so far it's been a week with varying temperature changes, and the suction cups are holding strong. The construction seems sturdy, and it looks to be well-made. It also will be easy to clean out. I know with bird feeders they can get a little yucky sometimes, but this will be easy to remove, spray out and clean up. 

So far the birds haven't visited us yet. Our neighbor has several bird feeders and he is keeping all of the birds over there (ha). But Lil Man is checking daily, sometimes multiple times a day, for a bird.
So I can't report how the birds like the feeder, but I have to say that we honestly do.  You can find the Window Bird Feeder by Yellow Beaks here on Amazon.

We like it, and I think you will too. 

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  1. Oh please let me know if this works because I would love to get one for my son who also loves watching the birds eat.

    1. So far so good.. if we could just get the birds to leave the neighbor's yard ha

  2. Haha, I got a beautiful bird feeder for my house in Tahoe. It is way up high off the ground so I had to climb on a precariously tall ladder to fill it. The thing is huge. I thought it would last for weeks. The blue jays emptied it, and I do mean emptied it, within 24 hours. LOL ... that was the end of my attempts to feed the birds :) I hope the birds smell the food and grace you with many beautiful visits :)

    1. I hope so too. My son is getting anxious. I just hope the neighborhood bear doesn't visit it too ha

  3. I wish I could send out birds your way! No feeder, but they insist on building their nests on the ceiling fans under the patio cover!

    1. I wish you could too. My son keeps asking if the birds are here yet!

  4. Out of curiosity-the bird feeders your neighbor has--are they the traditional enclosed type-the birds may be afraid to enter your clear one-or maybe it confuses them. Well I'll keep my fingers crossed that some brave birds try it out so your son will be happy.

  5. I'm sure you're supposed to take it down for the winter, right? If it were to hold throughout winter, I'd buy two!

    1. Yes, I think you are supposed to take it down in the winter. But I know I do see birds out in the snow. I'll have to ask my husband (he's a wildlife biologist)

  6. Fun to have the birds visit you but noisy too!

  7. I never have luck with suction cups either. It will be interesting if those hold up a long time. I wonder if the feeder would help prevent birds from crashing into the window.

    1. I'm curious about that too. So far the suction cups are holding.

  8. Oh wow what a good idea , just wish had more birds to come in to the garden .

  9. My friend's mother had a huge bird feeder built into one of the windows of her house several years ago. The side next to the window was like a one way mirror, so you could see the birds but they could not see you. They had tons of birds every day, and they were so fun to watch.

  10. We have a ton of birds in my neighborhood so my kids would love this! I love that it's all clear too.

  11. I was just thinking about this the other day. How I would really like to get a bird feeder. This is awesome thanks for sharing

  12. This would be perfect for my dining room window...thanks for sharing! :D

  13. I have some hanging bird feeders in metal with simple covers that I got from Petco, and my family and neighbors call me the bird lady because the birds hang out in my yard. It takes time and consistent filling of the feeder and also not staring at it all day. Find out what birds lurk in your area and then buy seeds that they like.
    Also, since your feeder is clear glass and attached to a glass window, it might take some time because they are sensitive to the human gaze and feeling exposed when feeding. If this doesn't work, try an opaque feeder and see if that helps. Keep us posted!

    1. I think i"ve been calling our neighbor the bird man ha ha

  14. Awww, this is adorable! Love that and will be sure to look at getting one when I get my house. I love birds.

  15. Thanks for sharing. My daughter has wanted one and was wondering how well it would work :)

  16. Ohh I love this idea... when I was a little girl we always had a bird feeder, this would be soo cool to share with my kids..thanks for sharing.. bet you guys get lots of fun visitors to watch...:-)


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