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Little Buffalo State Park

I don't know about where you live, but where we live we are within driving distance to several State Parks. And because the weather has been so cool this Summer, and although it's August, last week was the first time we'd been to the pool. Lil Man had a blast.

We had hoped some friends could join us today, but no one was available. But we ventured out, just the two of us, and we had a blast. The water was still pretty cold. In fact, we would get in - play for awhile - then get out and sit on a beach towel in the sun to warm up. This seemed to work well.

We splurged and Lil Man enjoyed his first chocolate chipwich. He exclaimed "It's a cookie AND ice cream!" I do believe he thought it was a genius idea.

Although it can be exhausting as my Lil Man is one that wants me to definitely join in with him with the sprinklers etc, it was pure joy to watch him enjoy himself.

I think this picture speaks for itself.

I hope you are enjoying your last few days of Summer. We are trying to squeeze in every bit of fun before Lil Man starts 3 day a week Preschool in September. 

How are you enjoying your Summer? 

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  1. sprinkler magic is the best! esp when there are no pools around.

    1. Actually this place has a huge splash pad and a nice zero entry pool.. so it's a pretty cool State Park. The downside is that the water is also spring fed and it's usually cold :)

  2. We have 3 weeks left before school starts.. we are also trying to do as much as we can to get in the best summer in a long time.

  3. It's nice that they have little water parks for kids in the summer.

    1. Yes, it's been nice to get out for a couple of hour of fun.

  4. I love that photo! It sounds like you had a blast! School starts for my kids in one week, but we have soccer practices & games too so we're really trying to cram a bunch of fun stuff in.

    1. It gets busy so quick! Thanks, I was glad I was able to get a quick photo before there were too many other kids to be in the pictures ;)

  5. I live in Jamestown NY where is this park located?

  6. I am ready for summer to end. Autumn is my favorite.

    1. ha.. with all of the cool rain, I was just saying... that i like Autumn too and I'm ready for pumpkins

  7. How fun. It looks like the little one had a blast!

  8. In this heat…I could use this now! Looks like a fun time.

  9. Looks like he was having a blast. Make the most of what's left of the summer!

  10. That looks like a fun time. We haven't been to many parks this summer. We will have a picnic this week :)

  11. Looks like he is having so much fun. My daughter loves sprinklers.

    Michelle F.

  12. The picture of him being showered just says how much fun it is there. He should make the most before school days resume.

  13. I love taking my kids to the splash pad. Today we let them ride their bikes through the sprays of water for 30 mins, sound asleep now :)

  14. pretty will have a great time there..

  15. My son loves the water. He loves swimming and showering. It's amazing to see kids enjoy the water.

  16. Little Man definitely looked like he had a great time! Sprinklers are the best way to beat the heat!

  17. Around here school starts after Sept 1st. At least you have a little bit of summer to enjoy. I have loved it so far not to hot not to cold here.

  18. Summer is ending fast. I think chipwiches are genius too, btw. :)

  19. I loved to run in sprinklers when I was a kid. Best thing ever.

  20. Hehe so cute! He's enjoying himself!


  21. What a sweet picture! We're trying to get in as many splash park days too!

  22. He is so cute and he is having a great time. Here in Manila its not summer but the heat sure feels like it.

  23. School starts tomorrow here in Iowa. Makes me sick.

  24. He's enjoying the water! I'm sure he'll miss summer during winter. Here in our country it's hot even though summer is over.

  25. i love going to splash pads with my girls! im less nervous than at the pool lol. 2 more weeks before school starts!

  26. Love that smile! We tried to pack everything we could into summer and now that we're back to school I'm loving the calm (for now).


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