If you've been following my blog then you know that I have a sugar problem. If you are new to the blog, "Hello and welcome, I'm Mrs. Glass and I have a sugar addiction." Lately it's becoming more apparent just how much of a problem with sugar that I do have. In the past, I sort of just laughed if off when people would mention the words sugar, drug and addiction in the same sentence. But I'm thinking, there really might be something to it.
See, I've been eating a lot of sugar lately. And I mean like over 100 grams of sugar a day several days out of the week. There I said. It's out there for the world to judge. According to MyFitnessPal, I am supposed to have 30 grams a day.
So, after my binge on Friday, I decided that yesterday was the day. NO MORE. I'm done. I was doing ok until about 4:00pm. Then the cravings hit. Before the night was over, yes I rummaged through and found some some Easter Sweet tarts and ate those. When I couldn't find anything else, I turned to chips. I'm not a chip eater, but I suppose I just wanted CARBS.
Today? Well, today I'm back to eating my chocolaty sweets in excess. In fact, earlier I was eating Chocolate Chip cookies as I contemplated how I was going to cut down on sweets. I'm not obsess. I'm a little squishy around the middle. You don't want to see me naked, but I can usually camouflage my gut in most street clothes. Running clothes? Well that becomes a bigger challenge, and I keep saying I really want to get rid of my gut.
So what's a sugar addict to do? Well, it's pretty evident for me that the "all or nothing approach" won't work for my situation. I came across this article "Painlessly Lower Your Daily Sugar Intake". I'm not one to add sugar to my foods. I don't eat sugary cereals. I drink water with every meal. I do enjoy Low Fat Chocolate milk as a recovery drink after my runs/workouts. But for the most part, it seems like my sugar consumption is mainly sweets. And the very first tip was to "Cut down slowly. Forget going cold turkey. Therein lies failure. Instead, if you normally have two candy bars a day, cut to one a day. Then next week, one every other day. The following week, one every three days, until you’re down to just one a week. So cutting down slowly is the best way to tame a sweet tooth gone wild." Read more: http://www.rd.com/health/healthy-eating/lower-your-sugar-intake/#ixzz2SRoJ07tl
I'm going to try this approach (yet again). The problem for me is that I will buy one candy bar a day with the intention of eating just one candy bar that day. But by the end of the day, I'll eat another. Sometimes another. Yes, sometimes I will eat 3 in one day if I have access to them.
But this time around, I think I'll ask for Hubby's help. I'm thinking of letting him put the sweets in a place that I don't know about. I will have my 'ration' for the day. The next day I will get my next 'ration'.
This may or may not work, but I'm willing to give it a try. If I could ween myself off slowly to a normal amount, then maybe I can have a healthy approach to sugar.
If this doesn't work? I'm thinking of seeking help from a nutritionist to help me get my eating on the right track. In fact, I may see one anyway as I know my diet needs an overhaul.
So here goes.. Tomorrow is Day 1 of cutting down slowly. We'll see how I survive with ONE Chocolate Chip cookie.
(I apologize to any of my readers who may read both of my blogs Today's Words of Glass and Will Run For Ice Cream. I normally don't duplicate posts, but this post is a cross-over post on both blogs. I wanted all of my readers to know that I'm starting my Sugar In Moderation program this week.)
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