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Out of Control?

Is it normal to feel so out of control while pregnant? It's like I don't have control over anything in my life. My emotions aren't just a simple roller coaster of up and down. It's more like up, down, sideways, upside down, right side up. I'm dealing with issues that I thought I had already dealt with - such as being so far away from my family.

Maybe part of this adjustment is that I am no longer working. I have to say that I am very surprised at how much I love being home. I think part of the reason I feel this way is that physically I just feel so bad. So I've been able to sleep when I want to sleep and not have to stick to a schedule. But not working is yet another change in my life.

I don't think I expected to feel so bad while pregnant. I still have a little over 10 weeks to go and my entire body has been aching for awhile now. The pain in my back is increasing. It went from nagging pain in my ribs to now sharp stabbing pain when I try to breathe. In addition to that pain, I now have lower back pain. Add in the lack of being able to breathe, the fact that my joints seem to constantly ache, and my hips now hurt, I do believe that all I do is complain now-a-days which might be why I seem to keep winding up by myself a lot.

Guess I need to stop focusing on what I can't control... I'll let you know how that works out...


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