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I Got My Wake Up Call

It was an ordinary Tuesday. Lil Man woke us up on the baby monitor. Hubby and I groaned as we realized it was time to get up. I got out of bed and turned around to straighten the pillows when 'wow, the world started spinning'. I grabbed hold of the bed to keep from falling. The swirling stopped and I just assumed that I'd got up too fast.

I went about my morning as usual. I needed to get in a short run. So while Lil Man and Hubby ate breakfast, I headed out the door for a quick 3 mile run. I wasn't really 'feeling it'. And on that run, I decided that I needed to taper before the Half on June 15.

I changed clothes. Got Lil Man dressed, and we went to the gym. I did a half hour work out with weights. We left the gym, and went to a local park where I climbed stairs and slid down slides with my Lil Man.

We had lunch. He went down for nap. I did my freelance work. I even had some time to relax. It was around 3pm, as I was laying on the deck, when I felt the world move again. This time, the world didn't really stop moving.

I called Hubby and told him he needed to come home and get me. We went to the Dr. At first glance the Dr didn't see anything obvious that was causing the issue. I was given some 'motion sickness' meds and sent home. Before I left, the DR asked if I could come back the next day for an ultrasound on my neck and heart to check the blood flow. He didn't think there was an issue, but just in case. I said sure.

The ride to the dr office on Wednesday wasn't fun. And thankfully it was just a few miles from my house. I will note that if you walk into the reception area carrying a puke bucket, they tend to move you faster out of the waiting area!

Laying flat on the table for the echocardiogram and (don't know the official term) for the test on my neck wasn't fun. But I managed to get through the test without vomiting.

What I didn't expect was to hear that I have a 50% blockage in my carotid. Say what?!?

It was the tech that told the dr that told me. He said he was very surprised at that, and needed to see the official results. (By this time, I'd developed a little ear pain. So he gave me a prescription just in case I had an ear infection).

Strokes, high blood pressure, heart disease, high cholesterol - you name it and it's probably in my gene pool. So to hear that I possibly had a blockage had me in tears on the ride home. I turned to my husband and said 'this is my wake up call'. It's time that I take action and overhaul my eating and lifestyle.

I have the exercise part down so that isn't a problem. But my food and eating habits are very unhealthy.

As of Wednesday, I started making some changes. I'm still experiencing vertigo so I'm not at liberty to get to the grocery store to totally overhaul my diet yet. But I did start making some changes with what I had on hand.

Fast forward to Friday when I received my official results - NO blockage!! All normal results (well almost - a minor thing here or there with my heart). I do have initial arteriosclerosis, but that of what would be normal for a 20 year old. I'm thinking that since I'm 40 that's not so bad. Needless to say I am very relieved. 

But it doesn't change the fact that I'm genetically predisposed to have some of these health issues. And now, not tomorrow, is the time to take charge and address them. For years I have had uncontrolled at times high blood pressure. So instead of sticking my head in the sand, I'm now monitoring my readings at least daily (or a couple times a day) to monitor it. 

I'm adding in fresh fruit and veggies, and trying to cut out a lot of processed foods. I don't have my plan all worked out yet. And I know it's a work in progress. And I am still not over the vertigo. 

But I got my wake up call and I'm answering it. 


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